A présent que j'ai les Sims 3 et que je découvre petit à petit comment installer les téléchargements, je vois de plus en plus le mot "mods" apparaitre sur les sites.
Je suis assez perdue par rapport à ça. J'ai fait des recherches sur des forums mais, soit les explications sont vagues, soit elles font une dizaine de pages désordonnées.
J'ai principalement retenu que cela pouvait être dangereux pour le jeu (crashes), qu'on ne peut en avoir qu'un seul à la fois, que ce n'était pas toujours compatible, que ça modifie le jeu de fond en comble...et surtout qu'il y a de plus en plus de mods qui apparaissent !
Quels mods utilisez-vous ?
Comment les avez-vous installés ?
Quels changement apportent-ils dans votre jeu ?
Avez-vous rencontré des problèmes ?
Est-ce incompatible avec les sliders ?
Enaya Nemo
Messages : 4451 Inscrit(e) le : 24/11/2009 Histoire(s) écrite(s) : Tombée du ciel ★ Medea mélodie hivernale ★ Wish upon a star
Sujet: Re: Les Mods Mer 3 Mar - 14:49
MDR je crois que je vais être encore la seule à répondre (personne ne joue aux sims 3 ici ? XD). J'ai installé l'AwesomeMod il y a quelques jours, après avoir demandé des précisions que je n'ai jamais eu sur Criti. Ce que ça fait... à vrai dire je ne sais pas vraiment, je sais juste que ça permet de modifier les visages avec plus de précision et ça corrige pas mal de trucs du jeu. Ca a l'airde le faire tout seul si j'ai bien compris.
Mais bon pour l'instant je ne suis pas particulièrement convaincue... XD (Et aucun problème avec les sliders)
finette88 Romancier
Messages : 1229 Inscrit(e) le : 03/12/2009
Sujet: Re: Les Mods Jeu 4 Mar - 10:56
Ca demande une installation particulière ? Parce que j'ai lu à droite et à gauche, coller ici, placer là-bas, tel dossier,...
Pour les fonctions de l'awesomemod, voilà ce que j'ai pu trouver :
Citation :
Ce mod apportera une bonne soixantaine de nouveautés, modifiant de manière drastique le gameplay des sims, à savoir plus d'une soixantaine de nouveautés parmi lesquelles ...
Premièrement, il corrige pas moins de 10 bugs d'EAxis, parmi lesquels un bug que j'ai notoirement constaté: le changement d'âge via la modification d'apparence d'un sim, qui à valu à Fiona Mc Irish de devenir plus jeune que Morane Français.
Cela ajoute énormément au gameplay sur le long terme, en permettant aux sims que l'on ne contrôle pas d'obtenir des promotions en fonction de leurs traits de caractère. Les bourreaux de travail travaillent dur, les sims ambitieux ont désormais leur bonus de performance également. Leur performance, au final, est exactement la même que si vous les controliez, et que vous ne changiez rien à leur comportement au travail par défaut. Ceci s'applique aussi aux enfants/ados pour leur performance à l'école. Par conséquent, aucun sim ne sera viré de son travail de façon arbitraire par le programme.
On peut désormais déménager/emménager sans adulte/sénior dans le foyer.
Les sims anciennement obèses et ayant fait l'effort de mincir ne regrossiront plus si ils ne mangent pas plus que de raison.
Vous pouvez suivre un sim en permanence sur le radar.
Changer de foyer n'annule plus les souhaits, ni les opportunités.
Les sims ne convergent plus vers le sim actif, mais font désormais ce qu'ils veulent. De même, et par conséquent, les sims habitant en face de chez-vous peuvent sortir lorsque vous êtes dans votre foyer, pour aller, par exemple au parc, ou sur la place Mirabello, j'en passe ...
Les sims que l'on ne contrôle pas peuvent désormais gagner leur points de bonus, et satisfaire leur désirs.
Les sims non contrôlés se changent après une journée de travail.
Il est désormais possible d'acheter les livres écrits par ses sims. Il en va de même pour les sims non joueurs.
Ce qui m'intéresse principalement c'est de pouvoir créer des sims réalistes au lieu de pate à modeler. Je ne sais pas si télécharger les sliders suffit ou si l'awesomemod est vraiment indispensable pour ça.
Enaya Nemo
Messages : 4451 Inscrit(e) le : 24/11/2009 Histoire(s) écrite(s) : Tombée du ciel ★ Medea mélodie hivernale ★ Wish upon a star
Sujet: Re: Les Mods Sam 6 Mar - 22:45
Le code pour activer les sliders x2 (ou plus selon la config que tu choisis) avec l'awesome mod, c'est : setconfig cassliderscaleincreased true
finette88 Romancier
Messages : 1229 Inscrit(e) le : 03/12/2009
Sujet: Re: Les Mods Sam 6 Mar - 22:51
Voici la liste complète de ce qu'apporte l'awesome mod, ainsi que les codes qui peuvent être utilisé avec celui-ci. Désolée, une fois de plus, c'est en anglais. Ca m'a d'ailleurs oté le courage de tout lire.
Awesome Mod a écrit:
AwesomeMod! for TS3 Made by: Semper Fidelis Tyrannosaurus (J. M. Pescado & Doctor Boris)
Congratulations to: Draklixa! Death to all Nesses!
Special Thanks To: Rick Gibbed, Master of the Universe ( http://gib.me ) Delphy the Pudding Technologist Tiger the Tigertools Guy LolKofi Michse
INSTRUCTIONS: Place in TS3/Mods/Packages. Requires Hack Framework. Install optional configuration package. Delete the file MYDOCU~1/ELECTR~1/THESIM~1/scriptcache.package.
COMPATIBILITY: Base: 1.10.6 WA: 2.5.12 HELS: 3.1.7 Compatible with all Awesomeware. Do not attempt to install with other core script mods. It will not work. There can by only one.
BUG FIXES: 1. Rabbit Hole Owners Now Properly Registered Game was not properly registering ownership of a rabbithole, allowing other sims to overwrite the ownership and mess up the owning sim. Owner must now sell the existing rabbit hole before another sim can attempt to purchase it. Deeds will no longer be autopurged from inventory even general inventory purges are permitted. 2. Weird IgnorantBliss Bug where hanging out with coworkers would error if the coworkers had managed to somehow disappear while the tone was set should be eliminated. 3. Derelict Vehicles will now be regularly cleaned up. 4. ActiveTopic Null Fix for topic being added to/about uninstantiated sim. 5. Uninstantiated Sim being promoted to Rocker no longer throws wobbly. 6. Fixes bug where you could learn recipes from someone which that person did not actually know to be able to share. 7. Should no longer lose performance if hired for work on the same day as a work day due to being unable to go to work. 8. Correct animation now plays when the attacker loses a fight: Defender is no longer animated as the attacker if the attacker initiates a fight but then loses. 9. Fire Worker list now correctly lists all sims for owned rabbitholes when the rabbithole has multiple careers: Previously would omit workers in other tracks at random. 10. Setting lot type of lot no longer destroys name/desc. 11. Kleptomaniacs can steal again: EA broke it so you could only steal if you had been GREETED...which is impossible on a community lot, and in any case WHY WOULD YOU NEED A FRIENDLY INVITE TO STEAL THINGS? 12. Visiting CAS dresser/mirror no longer destroys career outfit. 13. Active/Sacred Sims will no longer suddenly find themselves the parent of some random vacation locals. 14. Sims invited over for chess/kungfu/whatever will no longer give the "Something Suddenly Came Up" excuse even while you can clearly see they are doing nothing. 15. Keystones now stackable. Skellington Keys can now be moved in inventory. 16. Sufficient Kung Fu Level Now Properly Grants Catacomb Immunity Sims with good Kung Fu were supposed to get an ImmuneToBadCatacombEvents, but this feature was never checked and therefore did not work. Fixed now. 17. Mix Master Nectar Skill challenge now completable and will not be lost while travelling. More "top" nectar recipes will be listed as a side effect of this: You may have to achieve more listed recipes for this to take. 18. Nectar in other households now ages properly. 19. Sarcophagi with triggered quest behaviors can now be looked in even if they have already been looked in by another sim in the past. 20. Sims can no longer "Put Away" books brought on vacation when vacation home lot is a base camp, thus losing the books in a random bookshelf. 21. Sims no longer lose the ability to start advanced romances after ending an existing one. To fix previously broken sims, type "fixall". 22. Kludge for bad A/YA CAS Parts: A/YA parts will always show for both even if incorrectly flagged by inept creators, as there is no logical reason why it should be for one and not the other, due to identicalmeshes.
STORY MODE FEATURES: 1. Awesome Story Driver [Optional - Default: Enabled] Enables the experimental AwesomeMod Story Driver, replacing the EA driver. 2. God's Chosen People Control-Clicking a sim/house will offer the option to "Make Sacred" or "Remove Sacred", giving that household or sim immunity to StoryProgression and other assorted random toadings. The Chosen receive a gold halo on their house and on their tracking tags when tracked on radar. You may switch instantly between the Chosen household with CRTL-RClick. This feature will only function if you are using the EA-based or Awesome Story drivers. Other third-party drivers do not use this.
INTERFACE & CONTROL FEATURES - GENERAL 1. Expert Mode! Less Nagging! [Optional - Default: Disabled] Game will not nag you when you try to quit, edit town, save, switch household, etc. You know the rules already. You pushed the button anyway. Live with it. Experience computing the Awesome way: "SIR, DONE, SIR!". 2. Robotic Hand of God [Optional - Default: Disabled] Your "Hand of God" livedrag tool will automatically dispose of any garbage accumulated in your sim's inventory and home lot, such as old newspapers, spoiled food, and trash piles, that would normally be subject to the "Hand of God", only without you having to do the menial dragging. 3. No Nudity Censor - Male [Optional - Default: Disabled] Male sims are no longer blurred when naked. Useful if you have one of the "bits" hacks that actually makes them equipped. Otherwise this is really creepy and disturbing. Note that noncensor only applies to nudity. Sims remain censored when using the terlet because sims cannot remove their pants, and frankly, the blur is for hiding what is not happening. 4. No Nudity Censor - Female [Optional - Default: Disabled] Like above, only it's somewhat less difficult to make this look nonfreaky. 5. No Sparkle Motion [Optional - Default: Disabled] Removes the Sparkle effect from Eye Candy, but will cast doubt on your commitment to Sparkle Motion. 6. No Singing [Optional - Default: Disabled] Sims no longer sing the annoying vacation songs you unwisely taught them unless specifically told to. 7. Don't Kill Wants/Opportunities on Switch [Optional - Default: Enabled] Switching houses will not kill wants/opportunities on the current house. They will hang around until accidentally fulfilled on their own, or they timeout. Warning for household switch will be suppressed by this option as switching households becomes nondestructive. 8. Allow Transfer to NPC Inventory w/ Hand Tool [Optional - Default: Enabled] Allows you to drop inventory objects onto other sims to give it to them. 9. Manual Navigation & Smarter Autonavigation [Optional - Default: Enabled] Go Here Will Not Queuestomp. Go Here "Automatic" Mode smarter about choosing fastest movement mode. 10. Less Whiny [Optional - Enabled] Sims wave and whine at the screen less, particularly if they have already been given orders! 11. Less Idle Goof Offs [Optional - Enabled] Sims will be less likely to stand therefore half an hour goofing off and staring into space while they have orders to be carrying out. 12. No Route Fail Tantrum [Optional - Default: Enabled] Sims do not stomp and whine when routes is blocked. 13. Arbitrary Move Household Compositions [Optional - Default: Enabled] No longer forces inclusion of adult/elder. Useful for deleting autospawned parthenogenetic babies. 14. Athletic Tone Selector Now Smarter [Optional - Default: Enabled] No longer automatically uses the crappy basic option, instead picking a smarter tone more suitable for your sim (NoSweat if high hygiene, Push Self if not maxed, Good Pacing otherwise). User may still override and pick another tone if desired as part of a quest or just because. 15. "Q" no longer attempts to quit game. Use ALT-F4! 16. No Unpause On Load! [Optional - Enabled] If you save the game while it is paused, it will not zoom to 3 when reloaded. 17. Display Numerical Relationships [Optional - Enabled] Displays relationship status as number in relations tooltip.
INTERFACE & CONTROL FEATURES - SUPREME COMMANDER 1. Supreme Commander Advanced neighborhood UI & Macro Command System. 2. Radar Tracking Similar the "Chosen Sim" string, only the painted sims are now tracked on your neighborhood radar map. If the sim is not one of the Chosen, they will be tracked on the radar in a red tag. Individual sims or entire households may be painted using CRTL-Click. 3. No AutoSpeed in SC [Optional - Default: Enabled] If Supreme Commander is active, the game speed will not automatically change while Supreme Commander is directing sims. 4. Track All Moving Cars [Optional - Default: Enabled] 5. Don't Move My Camera [Optional - Default: Disabled] Disables automatic camera moving for stupid crap like selecting a sim in another fambly, belly pop, etc. If it's not on fire, I don't care. 6. Puppet Master Mode [Optional - Default: Disabled] Select sims from other famblies even faster, by rightclicking them as if they were in your own fambly.
GAMEPLAY FEATURES: CORE BEHAVIORS 1. TS2-Style Aging [Optional - Default: Disabled] Allows you to have sims age TS2-style, with only the active household. Not enabled by default. 2. No Inventory Destruction [Optional - Default: Enabled] Households you switch away from will not have their personal inventories replaced with random objects. Household fridge inventories will only be cleared of rotten food. 3. More Rigorous Accounting: Sims do not receive magic 16K handout when moving out or split: Instead, sims receive share of existing household funds. Sims that move in or out no longer receive free housing or free money, do not lose their house networth, and may only move into houses that they can afford and must pay for! No free lunch! 4. Unified Billing [Optional - Default: Enabled] All other households must also pay bills (occurs automatically). 5. Motive/Stat Perks reworked [Optional - Default: Enabled] Hygiene/Hunger Perks now slows drain as well as decay. Bladder Perk now functions as above instead of permalocking motive. Fast Metabolism now prevents autoreversion, so now useful! 6. Law of Conservation Of Mass [Optional - Default: Enabled] The Law of Conservation of Mass applies to sim weight gain: Sims cannot revert to being fat if not given food. They must actually eat in order to gain weight. 7. No Bladder Decay For Terletless Lots Removed [Optional - Default: Enabled] Bladder motive functions normally even on community lots without terlets, instead of being locked and static, causing sims to stay there forever. If you disable this, community lots no longer require terlets. Using the EA default setting, placing terlets on community lots is actually harmful! 8. No Aging Swarm [Optional - Default: Enabled] Sims will not dump their queues, wake up from their sleep, and swarm over like the Zerg anytime another sim ages up. Only sims who have absolutely nothing better to be doing at the time will watch. Because this wasn't funny back in TS2, either. 9. No Community Psychic Stalker Swarm [Optional - Default: Disabled] Disables the creepy psychic stalking behavior of the entire community stalking your active sim. Ever see what it looks like when professionals tail someone? This may not be apparent if you can't see the entire neighborhood's movements using Supreme Commander, but it is VERY creepy when you can see them always moving to converge on your position and follow you around in a cycling pack like a band of Mossad agents. 10. No Psychic Curfew Police [Optional - Default: Disabled] Curfew on 12s no longer enforced by psychic police hovering overhead in helicopters waiting to pounce. Police will only get you if they are called to the scene and find you. 11. No Inactive Fast Baby Aging [Optional - Default: Enabled] Babies in inactive households will nolonger instantly age to toddlers and destroy neighborhood synchronization. 12. Allow NPC Aspiration Gain [Optional - Default: Enabled] Inactive sims will now gain aspiration for high mood and satisfying wants. 13. Allow Want Fulfillment Without Locking [Optional - Default: Enabled] Removes requirement for want to be locked in order to be fulfilled, so a sim can fulfill its wants on its own without your intervention. 14. Disable Explorer Sims [Optional - Default: Disabled] Enabling this option will disable the appearance of "Explorer" sims when on vacation. 15. Disable Tourist Sims [Optional - Default: Disabled] Enabling this option will disable the appearance of foreign "tourist" sims in your home world. Useful if they contradict themed neighborhoods or if you simply don't want strange, unsightly Puddings clogging your homeworld.
GAMEPLAY FEATURES: Careers, Jobs, & School 1. Anti-Townie-Spam Boss/Coworker System Eliminates the unnecessary sim-spamming. Boss/Coworker NPCs will only be spawned if you attempt to interact with them or if they are actually required. Merges and deprecates RequireValidBosses and EmulateBossBug. Otherwise you will receive a "virtual" NPC, which will not be created until you try to interact by choosing appropriate work tones, or an already existing sim. 2. No Free Job Skills [Optional - Default: Enabled] Sims will no longer receive free job skills on promotion: They must earn them! Do not disable this option if you leave the next option enabled, unless you want a flood of level 10 sims...which will be very bad. 3. Allow NPC Work Performance Gain [Optional - Default: Enabled] Sims not part of the active household continue to gain work performance for going to work, and can therefore be promoted. 4. Invert Above Rule For Sacred [Optional - Default: Disabled] If enabled, the setting chosen above is inverted for sims tagged "Sacred". If you disabled it, then this will enable it, but only for your Chosen. If you enabled it, then your Chosen will not advance without you. If this setting is not enabled, Chosen but non-Active sims follow the same rules as non-Chosen inactives. 5. Scale Job Difficulty To Aging Scale [Option - Default: Disabled] Job difficulty is scaled up to age lengths if this is enabled. 6. Job Difficulty Scaling [Option - Default: 1.0] Job difficulty is additionally scaled up by this factor. (2.0 = 2x, etc.) This option will stack with the above, so Epic is about 10.6x more longer, and so if this is set to 2.0, Epic jobs will be 21.2 times harder. Note that using this setting and the above to produce extremely high difficulty settings will tend to overemphasize the value of nonstandard jobs. 7. NPC Work Uniform Removal Chance [Optional - Default: 100%] Percentage chance that inactive households will remove their work uniforms on leaving work. EA default has them never do this, with the result that sims wear their work uniforms pretty much permanently. 8. Chosen sims should now consult you for career branch decisions even if not in the active household. 9. Sims with unfinished homework now automatically select the complete homework tone in school, so inactive household sims no longer always fail. 10. Scale Skill Difficulty To Aging Scale [Option - Default: Disabled] Skilling difficulty is scaled up to age lengths if this is enabled. Not applied during vacation (which is timeless). 11. Regular Skill Difficulty Scaling [Optional - Default: 1.0] Regular Skill difficulty can be scaled by this additional factor. 12. Vacation Skill Difficulty Scaling [Optional - Default: 1.0] Vacation skilling difficulty for non-vacation skills is increased by this factor. Skills which are vacation-specific are unaffected by this. 13. No Automatic School Assignment [Optional - Default: Disabled] Active and Sacred sims will no longer be automatically assigned to a school. You get to enroll them manually, so you can pick which school. If you fail to do so in time, they grow up badly, and you suck.
GAMEPLAY FEATURES: Objects & Object Usage 1. No Idiotic Time Restrictions on Cooking Can cook any meal anytime you damn well please. 2. Smarter Chair Selection [Optional - Default: Enabled] No more 80-mile hikes for bizarre chairs. More TS2-like behavior for seeking chairs in current room vs. chairs on other end of lot. 3. Books Are Not Magic Scrolls [Optional - Default Enabled] Books do not disintegrate after reading. 4. Smarter Vehicle Chooser [Optional - Default: Enabled] Having a career carpool vehicle will no longer override all of your sim's car choices and force him to use that one all the time. Sims will now select the best vehicle available when autoselecting a car if multiple options exist: The fastest car is preferred unless a sim has been explicitly assigned a vehicle, in which case he will pick the fastest vehicle that has been specifically assigned. The career vehicle is also included in these selections and will be chosen only if it is superior to the other available vehicles. Feature only applies when sim is travelling around town, they will still use their carpools to go to work. 5. Wired Stereos Don't Annoy Bedrooms [Optional - Default: Enabled] Wiring a stereo with the house speakers upgrade will not install the speakers inside the bedroom, so sims will not be annoyed while sleeping. 6. All Ingredients Directly Edible [Optional - Default: Enabled] Ever wonder why your sim can eat a raw onion, but not a cheese or a steak? Now you can! OM NOM NOM NOM! Cooking is for losers! 7. Plant On Any Lot [Optional - Default: Enabled] Create community gardens by planting your harvestables on any res/com lot. 8. Buyable WrittenBooks [Optional - Default: Enabled] Books written by your sims in-game are now buyable from the bookstore. 9. Recipe Books In Library [Optional - Default: Disabled] EXPERIMENTAL Recipe books will spawn in the library with the other skill books. How common they are depends on how many sims know that recipe. Requires that books not be magic scrolls. 10. Disallow Visitor Residential Parking [Optional - Default: Enabled] Visitors are not allowed to park on foreign residential lots due to the problems this causes with sims forgetting to take their cars with them when they leave, resulting in screwed-upness as the parking spots become stuck in use with derelict vehicles that you can't actually claim. Instead they will simply keep their stupid cars in their stupid inventory and thus will take them with them no matter how they leave. 11. Shower In A Can Changes May restore bladder motive if Universal Bladder Decay enabled. Don't Ask. Grants "Soaked" moodlet to prevent problem where sim automatically uses, then immediately catches fire again, over and over until all cans are consumed. 12. Fish spawners will now display the fish if placed in pools. If an actual fish spawner is present, pools may be fished without special traits.
GAMEPLAY FEATURES: Romance & Perversion 1. Marriage Post Mortem [Optional - Default: Disabled] Prevents the breaking of the marriage lines on the fambly tree. Option is experimental and has not been fully tested, so is disabled by default at this time. 2. Use Awesome Jealousy Code [Optional - Default: Enabled] Uses one of AwesomeMod's jealousy routines. Required if you want to use any of the optional settings relating to this. 3. Enable 12 Woohoo [Optional - Default: Disabled] *EXPERIMENTAL* Disabled scripted check against 12-woohoo. Doesn't specifically enable the action, but can be used with XML tunings that will. 4. Enable Pedophilia [Optional - Default: Disabled] Adult-to-12 actions will be enabled if you turn this on. Be careful, though: Pedophilia is wrong and pedophiles go to jail, you sick freaks.
GAMEPLAY FEATURES: Socialization 1. Inappropriate Trait Actions for saying mean things about other sims can now be accepted and will not offend the listener if they are mean and/or do not like the victim. Previously these actions would somehow offend the listener, which makes no sense given that they never liked that other person to begin with!
BUILD/BUY FEATURES: 1. Roofslopeangle cheat: Allows lotwide and individual roof slope angle changing to a precise numerical angle. See console and debug features. 2. Magic Wanding: "wandhere" code reduces lot to "used" price so that townies can afford it, and you don't have to pre-run lots to make them affordable. 3. Light Cloning: Newly placed lights automatically inherit the light settings of previously placed lights, preferentially favoring lights of the same type, then other lights, for setting choice. 4. "Always Build Here": Forces build/buy to always build/buy on the current lot you are looking at rather than whipping your camera home to build at your sim's home lot.
CONSOLE & DEBUG FEATURES: 1. Configure AwesomeMod Dynamically! Use code "showconfig" to see all current AwesomeMod configurations. Use code "setconfig
Punaise c'est dar !! Mais pour entrer le code on fais ctrl+fléche duhaut + c ou carrement un autre truc ?? Je me fait peut-étre passer pour une grosse tebé, mais c'est troujours interessant de savoir de nouvelles choses surtout par rapport aux sims !! ;)
Enaya Nemo
Messages : 4451 Inscrit(e) le : 24/11/2009 Histoire(s) écrite(s) : Tombée du ciel ★ Medea mélodie hivernale ★ Wish upon a star
Sujet: Re: Les Mods Mer 9 Juin - 21:20
Oui je pense que c'est comme pour les autres codes.
Havaianla Pigiste
Messages : 26 Inscrit(e) le : 22/05/2010
Sujet: Re: Les Mods Ven 11 Juin - 19:26
J'ai essayé mais ça ne marche pas !! Il me font: code incconu : setconfig
Aria Romancier
Messages : 1820 Inscrit(e) le : 14/12/2009 Histoire(s) écrite(s) : toutes arrêtées
Sujet: Re: Les Mods Sam 17 Juil - 22:27
Enaya a écrit:
Le code pour activer les sliders x2 (ou plus selon la config que tu choisis) avec l'awesome mod, c'est : setconfig cassliderscaleincreased true
on me dit la même chose que havaianla commande inconnue : setconfig
Enaya Nemo
Messages : 4451 Inscrit(e) le : 24/11/2009 Histoire(s) écrite(s) : Tombée du ciel ★ Medea mélodie hivernale ★ Wish upon a star
Sujet: Re: Les Mods Dim 18 Juil - 0:11
Est-ce que vous avez Ambitions? Si ça fait ça c'est que le Mod n'est pas pris en compte par le jeu, ça me le faisait jusqu'à ce que je le change de dossier.
Aria Romancier
Messages : 1820 Inscrit(e) le : 14/12/2009 Histoire(s) écrite(s) : toutes arrêtées
Sujet: Re: Les Mods Dim 18 Juil - 6:30
Non je n'ai pas Ambitions, j'ai juste le jeu de base... j'ai peut être mal installé le mod... u_u
Enaya Nemo
Messages : 4451 Inscrit(e) le : 24/11/2009 Histoire(s) écrite(s) : Tombée du ciel ★ Medea mélodie hivernale ★ Wish upon a star
Sujet: Re: Les Mods Dim 18 Juil - 13:58
Oui je me souviens que j'avais eu du mal à le faire fonctionner, il fallait faire une manip spéciale avec les dossiers, j'avais deux sous-dossiers dans Mods. Par contre c'était sur mon ancien ordi, donc faudra que je regarde ça. Mais j'avais récup le dossier Mod sur le site de l'awesome mod, donc faudrait chercher là-bas.
finette88 Romancier
Messages : 1229 Inscrit(e) le : 03/12/2009
Sujet: Re: Les Mods Ven 23 Juil - 10:53
En téléchargeant plusieurs skins, j'ai constaté que les précédents disparaissaient du menu. Ce qui est assez embetant. Voici le mod qui permet de voir toutes les peaux téléchargées :
J'envisage (peut-être...) de réinstaller les Sims 3. J'ai donc commencé (il y a 5 minutes en fait) à faire des recherches sur le jeu et surtout sur la façon de le manipuler comme l'on veut.
J'ai donc trouvé sur le formidable forum de Rabiere&co l'explication de l'awesome mod et en français siouplait!
Messages : 1113 Inscrit(e) le : 28/03/2010 Histoire(s) écrite(s) : Coeurs en exil/Un faune et des fleurs/Le Legacy de la famille Des Rivages/Les Aventuriers du Lucile Aglaé
Sujet: Re: Les Mods Mar 16 Aoû - 9:14
Merci Finette, ça pourrait être très utile !
Charlie Romancier
Messages : 1339 Inscrit(e) le : 16/12/2009
Sujet: Re: Les Mods Dim 2 Oct - 16:28
Dites moi on doit être obligatoirement inscrit je suppose sur ce forum ? Je crois que d'ici peu je vais abandonner mon envie de jouer aux sims dans le but de reprendre les expériences d'images en tout genre...
Enaya Nemo
Messages : 4451 Inscrit(e) le : 24/11/2009 Histoire(s) écrite(s) : Tombée du ciel ★ Medea mélodie hivernale ★ Wish upon a star
Sujet: Re: Les Mods Dim 2 Oct - 16:34
Je suis inscrite, j'ai déjà posté sur le forum, mais je ne peux pas voir le message. ca me dit que seuls els utilisateurs avec un accès spécial peuvent voir le sujet...
Sailor Serenity Critique littéraire
Messages : 60 Inscrit(e) le : 01/02/2012 Histoire(s) écrite(s) : Sanctuary, Le journal de Sonia Gothik, Missing Bella.
Sujet: Re: Les Mods Jeu 23 Fév - 23:23
Désolé de remonter ce sujet, mais je viens avec un mod intéressant et une question lol J'ai trouvé un mod super intéressant l'autre jour en fouillant un site Sims 3 brésilien, certains connaissent peut-être c'est le Nraas Traveler. Enfaite ce mod permet de voyager dans les autres villes résidentielles du jeu mais comme pour la Chine, l'Egypte ou la France. Un truc génial, le mod prédéfinit un camp de base dans la ville que vous visitez(c'est généralement une maison non-habitée de la ville).
Donc voici le lien pour accéder au téléchargement de ce superbe mod : Nraas TRAVELER
Ensuite pour ceux qui veulent utiliser l'awesome mod, je pense que le forum Rabiere&Co a du changer de lien, en tous cas j'ai trouvé ce même tutoriel en Français ici : The awesomeness of AWESOMEMOD
Finalement ma question est la suivante, par contre je ne sais pas si ça existe : - Il y a-t-il une façon de contrôler un Sim sans pour autant le rajouter à la famille active ?
finette88 Romancier
Messages : 1229 Inscrit(e) le : 03/12/2009
Sujet: Re: Les Mods Ven 24 Fév - 14:25
Je pense que le Master Controller peut faire ce que tu demandes. Il est aussi de Nraas. Je n'ai jamais testé cette fonction (le master controller offre pas mal de possibilités) mais je pense qu'il faut cliquer sur le sims qui t'intéresse et choisir l'option qui le rend "sélectionnable". (ou quelque chose dans ce genre).
Sailor Serenity Critique littéraire
Messages : 60 Inscrit(e) le : 01/02/2012 Histoire(s) écrite(s) : Sanctuary, Le journal de Sonia Gothik, Missing Bella.
Sujet: Re: Les Mods Ven 24 Fév - 15:38
Ah oui, pardon j'ai oublié de préciser. Cette fonction du Master Controller je l'a connais aussi. Mais je voudrais pouvoir contrôler un Sim en le rendant sélectionnable temporaire dans ma famille active mais qu'il n'y soit pas ajouté définitivement, comme dans Les Sims 2 avec l'InSIMenator où l'on pouvait "Rendre sélectionnable" et ensuite le retirer de nouveau en le rendant "Non sélectionnable".